Essential Action 1
Analyze School Performance
Set the right goals and conduct and annual school planning process.

Annual Quality Seats Analysis and School Planning Process
District leaders commit to providing all students a high-quality, best fit school. District leaders evaluate campus performance on a variety of measures, including academic and demographic data, long-term trends, and community input. Districts use this data to determine what schools families want and need.
Key Practice 1.1
Annual Quality Seats Analysis
- District leadership implements a Quality Seats Analysis (QSA), which includes academic and demographic data, long-term trends, and community input.
- District leaders use their QSA to clearly tier schools, identify neighborhoods in most need of improved school options, and track progress on the number and percent of schools and students in each performance tier.
Key Practice 1.2
Annual School Planning Process
- District leaders use their QSA data, including the TEA A-F rating, to inform an Annual School Plan.
- The District’s Chief Innovation Officer develops and implements a Senior Leadership Team and Board Engagement plan.