Essential Action 1
Analyze School Performance

Set the right goals and conduct and annual school planning process.

Annual Quality Seats Analysis and School Planning Process

District leaders commit to providing all students a high-quality, best fit school. District leaders evaluate campus performance on a variety of measures, including academic and demographic data, long-term trends, and community input. Districts use this data to determine what schools families want and need.

View Implementation Tools

Key Practice 1.1
Annual Quality Seats Analysis

  • District leadership implements a Quality Seats Analysis (QSA), which includes academic and demographic data, long-term trends, and community input.
  • District leaders use their QSA to clearly tier schools, identify neighborhoods in most need of improved school options, and track progress on the number and percent of schools and students in each performance tier.

Key Practice 1.2
Annual School Planning Process

  • District leaders use their QSA data, including the TEA A-F rating, to inform an Annual School Plan.
  • The District’s Chief Innovation Officer develops and implements a Senior Leadership Team and Board Engagement plan.

Tools & Resources


Essential Action 1
Quality Seats Analysis Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help you complete the Quality Seats Analysis (QSA) for your district as a part of the Annual School Planning...


Essential Action 1
Community Engagement Toolkit

Community Engagement is an are essential component in delivering high quality best fit schools to students and families. This Community Engagement toolkit will assist...

Lubbock ISD

Lubbock ISD’s portfolio planning process shows how their local standards surpass those of the state: LISD’s board established a goal of doubling the percent of students in A and B schools and district leaders developed a Quality Seats Analysis (QSA) to track progress toward meeting this goal and identify areas of need. Using this data, LISD’s board voted to rigorously plan a number of school actions, including the design and launch of two new schools, Commander William McCool Academy and Wester Elementary.

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