Tools and Resources

Network districts use a variety of models, templates, and exemplar artifacts to implement the SGS Strategy.

Results updated upon selection

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Quality Seats Analysis Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help you complete the Quality Seats Analysis (QSA) for your district as a part of the Annual School Planning...


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Annual School Planning Toolkit

The Annual School Planning toolkit can be used as a playbook for the process that ensures districts review school performance, engage with their community...


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Community Engagement Toolkit

Community Engagement is an are essential component in delivering high quality best fit schools to students and families. This Community Engagement toolkit will assist...


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Edgewood ISD Superintendent outreach videos

Superintendent Hernandez regularly engages the Edgewood ISD community using videos published to YouTube and shared on social media, which provides him a direct and...


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Denver Public Schools' Strategic Regional Analysis, 2017

To support their goal of having at least 80% of students in every district region attend a top tier school, the Strategic Regional Analysis...


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How to Engage Your Community Around School Actions

In Oct. 2019, Kitamba Principal Collin Moore used this PowerPoint to lead a discussion on why, when, and how districts should engage their community...


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Edgewood ISD- Vision 2025 video

Narrated by Superintendent Hernandez, Edgewood ISD produced this video to explain their strategic plan to the community, including the creation of five innovation zones...


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Fort Worth ISD 2019-2020 Annual Portfolio Plan

Ft. Worth ISD's leaders developed a portfolio planning process that built awareness, suppport, and alignment for school action initiatives. Their plan identifies multi-year district...